Grand opening image for Edgewater Bookstore. Shows a man sitting at a table with a stack of books.

Don’t Miss my Live Bookstore Launch on Oct 23rd!

Attention, Book Lovers!On October 23rd, I’ll be hosting a special Facebook Live event to officially launch Edgewater Bookstore, and I’d love for you to join me! Why This Matters: How to Join: Step 1: Visit the Facebook event now to reserve your spot: 2: Click “Interested” or “Going” to reserve your spot. I’m countingContinue reading Don’t Miss my Live Bookstore Launch on Oct 23rd!

Two different scenes. The first is a man at a typewriter with a monster behind him and the second is a man at a desk with a maze behind him.

Stephen King’s Thrills vs. Daniel Keyes’ Deep Thoughts

Is there a difference between Stephen King, the author of Misery, and Daniel Keyes, who wrote Flowers for Algernon? Absolutely. While both are fiction, they offer very different experiences. Misery is about a nurse who kidnaps her favorite author and forces him to write a new book, with his life on the line if heContinue reading Stephen King’s Thrills vs. Daniel Keyes’ Deep Thoughts