A man sitting in his home library studying books.

3 Questions to Ask When Reading

I’ve been thinking a lot about my role as a reader. When I spend time with a book, it’s clear that what I get out of it mirrors what I put into it. The more effort I put into my notes, the more the book reveals its secrets.

Then I thought, what are the most important questions I should be asking as a reader? I came up with three. I hope these questions are helpful to you.

Q1 – What makes this a good or bad argument?

Every book is an argument – even Harry Potter. They all have a message, and it’s up to you to determine if the author is making a valid or invalid argument. I hate to say it, but not all books are written well. Many books are biased, opinionated, and full of fallacies. Take a moment to disassociate your emotions and personal biases from the book and ask yourself if the author is making a valid point. If so, can you articulate it on paper?

Q2 – What’s the most important change I can make?

If the book is making a sound argument, then it follows that you have something to learn from it. Can you identify the most important change you will make in your own life based on the information you have read? After all, we’re reading to learn more about a hobby, a science, human nature, or even how to prepare for death. You may not implement all the good ideas in your books, but identify the most important ones and write a page on how you will change your life based on your learning.

Q3 – How can I further the conversation?

Finally, if the book held enough power to make a change in your life, then presumably you feel like it’s worth sharing. How can you further the conversation? Can you share the book with your book club? Can you write an essay on its topic and why it matters? Try to do more than put it back on your shelf, never to be thought of again.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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