A man sitting at a desk reading with several books floating around him.

Apply One Idea from a Book

Let’s pretend, for a moment, that every time you finish a book, you apply at least one idea from its pages to your life. I’m not talking about remembering a concept, sharing what you learned with friends in a book club, or teaching a class on the ideas – I’m talking about making a real, concrete change to your life. I’m talking about taking that main idea and ACTUALLY DOING IT.

Starting that business, getting a therapist, enrolling in a course, having a hard discussion with your spouse, writing the essay, setting up a daily habit to master the piano, organizing a friend group to go on saunters (Thoreau’s version of walking) weekly through the woods.

You get the idea.

What if, instead of reading books only, you applied one thing from each one to your life? What action would you take first? Make that change now.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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