There are a lot of ways to “get through” a book. You can buy the Cliff Notes, watch the movie, get a summary from A.I., listen to it 2X on Audible so that the narrator sounds like a chipmunk – but there’s only one way to absorb a book, and that’s by sitting with it, reading, thinking, and taking notes – one page at a time.
There are no substitutes for reading this way. Perhaps that’s why so many people say they can’t remember anything the read. Maybe they’ve been reading to “get through” their books rather than learn from them.
Try this: Set aside 30 minutes on your calendar today to read a physical book that interests you. Commit to reading slowly and taking notes as you go. When you’re done, go for a short walk through your neighborhood without your phone (you’ll survive). Your goal is to think about what you’ve read. If you choose to do this, you’ll be a little happier and wiser.
Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.