Dr. Michael Huemer is considered one of the most prolific living philosophers today. Yes, there are living philosophers, and yes, I got to interview him! I’m currently editing this interview and will post it next week on my YouTube channel, but there’s a quote from the show I have to share today.
Dr. Huemer said, “Are you trying to exist in reality, or are you just trying to confirm your existing beliefs? We as humans should live in the truth. Whatever it is, even if it’s unpleasant, we should know it.”
We spent 1.5 hours on this interview creating a masterclass in critical thinking. In the quote above, Dr. Huemer points out that we have a choice regarding how we interface with knowledge. Will we live in bias and oblivion, or will we ask critical questions and think for ourselves, even if the answers we discover are unpleasant?
I’m, very passionate about this topic and was honored to have him on the show. I can’t wait for you all to see this one.
Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.