We had a car blow up yesterday. Well, it didn’t blow up, but the engine seized. Somehow, all the oil leaked from the engine while my son was driving, and now the car is headed for the junkyard. We towed it to a mechanic, who couldn’t explain how it happened. We changed the oil regularly, and the car was in good shape.
Sometimes, life doesn’t work. It’s moments like this that I’m glad for my “one thing.”
I write every day. It’s the one thing that keeps me centered on what I love, even when the cars blow up. I write on Christmas morning, for my birthday, and I’ll do so on my deathbed.
My life revolves around books, but keep in mind that I read so that I can write. The books that fill my soul make it possible for me to reach down and pull something out.
This is the “one thing” I do every day, no matter what. And it helps me.
Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.