A man sitting at a desk overworked vs a man reading a book and happy.

If Your Day is Too Busy to Read

This morning, I sat down at my desk and was immediately faced with a slew of meetings. With no time to read, I felt a familiar frustration—a common occurrence for a business owner. But I recalled the wisdom of William Shakespeare: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” These words from Hamlet resonated with me throughout my meetings.

Is it truly bad that I’m too busy to read today? Not necessarily. Being busy means I have a job that supports my family. Yet, as someone passionate about reading, not spending time with my books leaves me feeling off balance. So, I scheduled a meeting with my books, carving out a 30-minute block between my afternoon meetings.

For someone as busy as I am, finding time to read means making time. Reading can’t just be an afterthought; it needs to be a priority.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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