A woman reading while distracted.

Practice The Art of Focus

We think about practicing the piano, a foreign language, and our golf swing. We obsess over practicing yoga, public speaking, and the game of chess. But what about focus itself? How do you practice that? It’s the one thing most people in this community want to improve.

My answer is reading.

Think about it. If you read for 30 minutes a day, what happens for the first 10? Your brain bounces off the wall, reviews checklists, stresses about dinner, and craves the downtime of mindless scrolling on YouTube, Insta, or TikTok. It’s a real struggle to stay in that chair and tame your brain. After those first 10 minutes though, you’ll notice that the words on the page stick a little better. You’ll get more interested in what you’re learning and the madness will fall away. Soon, you’ll be pointing your brain in a single direction, your book.

If you do that every day, your ability to focus will improve – I guarantee it. That doesn’t mean that you’ll never get distracted. I get distracted all the time, but I also get asked how I’m able to get so much done everyday between running multiple businesses, creating content daily, overseeing a book club, fostering my family (The #1 priority), going to the gym each day, getting a degree in philosophy, and so on.

It’s because I read – a lot. I’ve learned to focus.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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Eddy Hood
I’m Eddy Hood, host of The Read Well Podcast. I love getting lost in big ideas and great stories, and I started the podcast to help fellow readers tackle challenging books with confidence. I’m studying philosophy, running Edgewater Bookstore, and slowly chipping away at writing a novel.

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