Reading Deeply after a long day

Reading After a Long Day

I usually write these posts first thing in the morning. They’re my little way of getting my head on straight before the crazy attacks. And let’s be honest, the crazy attacks a lot.

But I didn’t have time today, mostly because I was so excited, I could hardly think straight. I had a meeting today with my graphic designer who’s working on the coffee and tea bags for Edgewater. She showed me the first preview and I blurbled with joy. They look pretty great.

But then the day wore on. I never sat down to read or write. I just did stuff. I went to the dentist (no cavities, thank you very much), and and ordered curry from a local restaurant for the family.

Now, with everyone full and settled, my books are starting at me. I want to open them and dig in as a reward after a long day, but I’m feeling some resistance. Do you ever feel that? You know you want to read, and if you can just get started you’ll be glad you did, but there’s that darn resistance.

Hmmm. This being human stuff is tricky.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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