A black and white image of a man reading Plato

Reading with friends

I love reading, but more than that, I love reading with friends. Especially if we’re talking about the kinds of books that require a little (or a lot) of thinking.

And those are the kinds of books that I like.

I’m not sure why I gravitate towards philosophy and psychology. Perhaps I need to feel smart. All I know is that when I’m in a room talking with someone who loves Plato or Hume, I’m home.

What about you? Do you love discussing the latest Stephen King or the literary ideas of Woolf and Orwell? It’s all great.

My problem has always been finding these like-minded readers. Can you relate? That’s why I just launched a reading community. I think it’s pretty snazzy, and I have a lot of ideas to make it the place I’ve always dreamed about – a haven for friends to read together.

You can check it out at https://community.thereadwellpodcast.com/home

Thanks for reading, and when possible, reading with friends.

Read Well. Take Notes. Apply the Ideas.


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Eddy Hood

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