A man trying to read in a room full of loud people.

Reading with Noise

I’m reading in a cabin packed with nearly 30 family members, kids screaming for treats, and the television blaring. It’s the veritable loud house of chaos you see in comedy movies like Home Alone when everyone is screaming to be heard.

I’ve planted myself at the dinner table where six kids are crafting. It’s the only flat space I can find to hold my books and my laptop while I study. I’d love to wait for a “quiet” moment, but that will never come this weekend. And you know what? That’s perfectly fine. You can still read in the madness. In fact, with a little practice, learning to sit amongst the chaos with a book in your hand is a great way to calm down, turn inward, and find some peace.

It’s an opportunity to learn to read slowly. Every second is filled with a booming distraction, requiring extra concentration to stay with the text. But that’s a good thing. It’s making me a better reader.

Next time you’re surrounded by sound, don’t use it as an excuse to read later. Instead, get your book out and train your mind to settle in for a great read.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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