Maryanne Wolf interview on The Read Well Podcast with Eddy Hood

Reclaim Your Reading Brain

Today is a special day. I’ll be interviewing Maryanne Wolf, author of the incredible book Reader, Come Home. Her book is a call to action for anyone frustrated with how the digital landscape has decimated their reading brains.

Here’s some even better news! This is a live event and members of my book club can join as off-camera audience members to ask her questions. If you want to attend this event, plus get access to future author interviews and our weekly book club sessions that I host on Tuesday nights, you can join here.

When: The interview will be today at 3:00 MST / 5:00 EST and will last 1 hour.

Where: Online in our private reading community. Click here to review the event.

Here are the questions I intend to ask her today:

  1. What is the reading brain and why should we pay attention to it?
  2. How has the digital landscape impacted our reading brains?
  3. In your book, you mention struggling to read Magister Ludi. Can you tell us about that?
  4. What are your tips for reading deeply?
  5. Why do we feel differently when we read physical books or perform analog tasks?
  6. How can we be better students of the books we read? How can we retain more?
  7. Many people post on social that they’ve read 50 or 100 books this year. What’s your take on these statements?
  8. If you could teach a child just one lesson about reading, what would it be?
  9. How do book clubs and reading communities influence the reading brain?
  10. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I may not get to all of these questions, but I’ll do my best! I hope to see you all there today.

Until then, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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