Valentine’s Day can be Awkward

Valentine’s Day is not a good day for many people. Relationships run sour by the hour, hearts are broken, and the grocery stores are gluttonous with cheap candy and threadbare teddy bears. I have friends who won’t get out of bed during Cupid’s 24 hours of affectionate obsession. It’s just too painful to face the day.

I’ve always been fine with February 14th, even when I was younger, and thought girls were trying to lacerate my heart with razor blades. Most of my relationships are in books. If you’re not a bookworm, that probably sounds pathetic, but if you would rather spend your day in the library than skiing behind a boat, shopping, or going to the movies – you get me. You’re my people.

I don’t mind the loneliness and gaudy display of Valentine’s Day. In fact, I barely notice it because my book is just too damn good.

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Eddy Hood
I’m Eddy Hood, host of The Read Well Podcast. I love getting lost in big ideas and great stories, and I started the podcast to help fellow readers tackle challenging books with confidence. I’m studying philosophy, running Edgewater Bookstore, and slowly chipping away at writing a novel.

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