Why I’m Reading Books in 2025

Let’s start today’s post with a chiasmus (kai-AZ-mus) that’s been rattling around in my head.

“It’s not the words in my books; it’s the books in my words.”

Let’s break that down.

It’s not the words in my books – This means that I’m not interested in reading lots of words for the sake of it, and therefore lots of books. I have no desire to set a goal of getting through 200 books in 2025. I despise the feeling of reading a book and then forgetting its ideas. It’s not enough to remember the main idea of a book, I want to keep the details with me and use that information to change my life.

It’s the books in my words – This means that I’m more interested in talking about the books I’ve read, sharing their ideas with friends, and discussing big, meaty topics throughout the day. I’m more interested in reading a few books well and having their ideas forefront in my mind so that when I speak, I can rely on their details.

Is it really so bad to only read a few books in 2025, but read them well? I don’t think so. If I can tackle some great books this year, make some notes, and spend time applying what I learn, that feels like a more productive reading goal than blazing through 200 titles.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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Eddy Hood
I’m Eddy Hood, host of The Read Well Podcast. I love getting lost in big ideas and great stories, and I started the podcast to help fellow readers tackle challenging books with confidence. I’m studying philosophy, running Edgewater Bookstore, and slowly chipping away at writing a novel.

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