A young man at a desk taking notes and reading books.

Why We Take Notes

We take notes because some ideas matter more than others. And what matters to you may be entirely different from what matters to me. That’s the beauty of it.

Note-taking is personal. There’s no perfect system because how you do it has to match who you are—otherwise, you won’t stick with it. Some people sketch mind maps, others create structured outlines, and some write as if they’re crafting a technical manual for their future selves.

I can’t tell you the “right” way to take notes. I can only share what works for me.

What matters most is that you start. And that’s where many people struggle. We worry about getting it wrong, making a mess, or missing something important. But the real mistake? Not taking notes at all.

My kid’s baseball coach always says, “You miss every shot you don’t take.” I’d say, “You lose every important idea you don’t capture.”

So here’s a challenge: Create one note today. It doesn’t need to be neat or polished—just meaningful. Not a to-do list, but a concept, an insight, or a thought you want to explore. Write it down without overthinking. And when you’re done, take a moment to recognize that you’ve started.

That’s all it takes. The rest will follow.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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Eddy Hood
I’m Eddy Hood, host of The Read Well Podcast. I love getting lost in big ideas and great stories, and I started the podcast to help fellow readers tackle challenging books with confidence. I’m studying philosophy, running Edgewater Bookstore, and slowly chipping away at writing a novel.

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