Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

This is one of those books you’ll read for the rest of your life. Yes, it’s Aristotle. And Yes, it’s complicated. I can’t get over the fact that a book written around 350 BCE is still relevant today. I don’t agree with every idea here, but the core tenets are worth studying again and again. It’s one of my favorite books.

Here’s the gist: Aristotle wanted to figure out how to live well. He advocated for a life of Eudaimonia, what the Greeks called flourishing. What does it mean to flourish as a human being? Is it more money or fame? What about better health, straight teeth, and a wildly successful business?

The answer lies not in the extremes of living, but in the well-balanced and virtuous life. Instead of leaning to the far left or right of your opinions, the middle ground is often well-balanced and capable of providing eudaimonia.

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