Eddy Hood sitting in front of a bookcase

I Just Enrolled (This is Nuts)

Just because there’s an opportunity, that doesn’t mean I should take it. But I’m taking this one. I don’t know how I’m going to make it work, but that’s been the guiding force of my life. I tend to build the airplane while it’s flying.

What’s the opportunity? I just found out that my wife, who’s a professor at Weber State University, gets six free credits of education per semester. I’ve always known that she could take advantage of this, but I had no idea that the benefit extended to spouses.

And I’m a spouse.

I can take two full college classes for free every semester. Holy crap! I can go back, and at my own pace, get a third degree – this time in Philosophy. Are you following me? The thought of getting an education on my terms without the pressure of a career is liberating. I get to learn just for the sake of learning.

You might be wondering how I’ll manage college with my hectic life. I don’t know. What I do know is that for me, the only way to get things done is to get started. That “leap of faith” to borrow from Kierkegaard, is how I started my companies, launched a podcast, had 4 great kids, convinced my wife to marry me, etc. I’ve learned that the scary stuff is worth doing, you just have to get started.

So, that’s what I’m doing. I’ve enrolled for the Fall 2024 semester and I can’t wait. Oh, and get this – to get a Bachelor’s in Philosophy, Weber State requires that I declare a Minor. I’ve decided to apply for the English Minor with a focus on Literature. That seems fitting, doesn’t it?

Graduation will require a total of 57 credit hours. That equates to approximately 19 classes. If I take two classes a semester, I should have a degree in about 6 years. I’m going to take this slowly because that’s what I do. I read slowly, I take notes, and I apply the ideas.

Wish me luck in my pursuit of becoming a philosopher. This will be an adventure. And yes, I’ll be writing about life as a philosophy student, so try not to laugh too hard as I bumble my way through this.


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