A book, a cup of coffee, a journal, and some highlighters.

I’m Behind in My Reading. Now What?

I’m behind in my reading for book club. We’re studying Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky at a pace of 20 pages a day. How far behind am I, you ask? About 100 pages. Should I stress out? Worry? Berate myself for letting work and life get the better of my reading habit?

What I Do When I Get Behind

The truth is that I get behind on my reading goals all the time. And it’s OK. Let’s take a deep breath and remember that our books should bring joy rather than fester anxiety. When I get behind, here’s what I do: I start again.

I don’t rush to get caught up and I don’t skim. I read slowly, and remember that my book is a companion I want to get to know better, not a speed date I want to brush aside.

What You Can Do Today

If you’re behind on your reading goals, first I applaud you for having reading goals. Most people have given up on reading, so you’re a rare breed! Second, I applaud you for being here with me. This is our reading community – a little place on the internet where we can cheer each other on, and learn from the best books. Take a deep breath, pick up your book, and start again.

Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.


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