Reading is a valuable habit, akin to meditation, going to bed early, and working out. It’s one of those practices that you might not always feel like doing, but once you do, you’re always grateful you did.
Why is that?
As readers, we experience a sense of control. It’s our way of drawing a line in the metaphorical sand and proclaiming, “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul,” as William Earnest Henley eloquently put it.
Instead of waking up and absorbing the barrage of information the world throws at us, we choose to protect our minds.
By reading, we step outside the flow of mindless distractions and seek deeper understanding.
So yes, even though we don’t always feel like reading, we’re always glad we took the time to nurture our minds.
Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.