An Image of a pencil and notebook with text that says The Focused Reader

The 30-Day Focused Reader Challenge

I have a challenge for you. The goal is to read every day (with focus) for 60 minutes over an entire month. Can you do it? For the brave souls who want to tackle this project, I’ve just launched The 30-Day Focused Reader Challenge in my private community. If you dare to sign up (I’m being a little facetious here), you’ll get access to a daily video lesson and thought prompt. You’ll also get tools for managing mental wandering, ideas on how to participate in your own reading sessions, and more.

Here’s a breakdown of the Focused Reader lessons:

Week 1: Tame Your Monkey Brain

  • Day 1 – Forget About Pomodoro
  • Day 2 – Attention Poverty and Three Books
  • Day 3 – Feathers, Anchors, and Forgiveness
  • Day 4 – The Deep Work Space (Your Reading Room)
  • Day 5 – Ron Swanson’s Philosophy of “No”
  • Day 6 – Sigmund Freud and Your Phone
  • Day 7 – First Week Check-in

Week 2: Getting Through the Dip

  • Day 8 – What’s the Dip?
  • Day 9 – Plato’s Charioteer and Your End Goal
  • Day 10 – Hume’s Passion Over Reason (Make it Emotional)
  • Day 11 – The 50-Page Rule
  • Day 12 – How to Eat and Other Lessons by Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Day 13 – Emerson and Self-Reliance as a Reader
  • Day 14 – Second Week Check-in

Week 3: Participate in Your Reading Sessions

  • Day 15 – Let’s Talk About Annotation
  • Day 16 – Let’s Talk About Notebooks
  • Day 17 – Let’s Talk About Zettelkasten
  • Day 18 – let’s Talk About Highlightish
  • Day 19 – Let’s Talk About Book Club
  • Day 20 – Let’s Talk About Traffic Jams
  • Day 21 – Third Week Check-in

Week 4: Build a Reader’s Lifestyle

  • Day 22 – Filling Up Your Cup
  • Day 23 – You Can’t Read Them All
  • Day 24 – Clean Up Your Stack
  • Day 25 – It’s Time to Make a Book Recommendation
  • Day 26 – It’s Time to Identify One Change
  • Day 27 – What’s Your Excuse?
  • Day 28 – Embrace the Mantra

Week 5: The Final Push

  • Day 29 – Write a Review
  • Day 30 Claim Your Badge

If you’re up for the challenge, you can join by clicking here.

I’ll see you on the inside. And as always, read slowly, take notes, and apply the ideas.


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