I just finished three hours of philosophy class and now my brain is mush. Why? Because I have one to three hours of “deep thinking” in me a day. I’m not talking about sitting at a computer or getting through work meetings. I’m talking about the kind of focus that’s exhausting but exhilarating.
We put too much pressure on ourselves to be “ON” all the time. It’s as if someone decided that when you wake up, you’re supposed to flip the attention switch and have the light shine all day until you turn it off at night.
I can’t do that.
Today’s post is a reminder that you’re not a robot. Give yourself some grace. Most of your day will be filled with fluff, auto-pilot behavior, and survival tasks like eating and taking care of your shelter (home, camper, etc). So, when it is time to focus, make sure to actively embrace that time. It’s THE time in your day to poke holes in the universe.
Until tomorrow, read slowly – take notes – apply the ideas.