The Republic by Plato

The Republic by Plato

I love The Republic. It’s a book that’s worth its weight in gold (sorry for being cliché).

Is it hard to read? Yes. I’ve been reading it for a few years now. Once I’m done, I start over. It’s one of those books you study rather than read once.

A lot of great ideas came from this book including the allegory of The Cave, The Divided Soul, and more. Plato was searching for an ideal form of government, but in doing so, he wrote a pretty great treatise on the ideal form of life.

I don’t agree with everything in this book. Watch out for the suggestions on how guardians should live and procreate. That part is a doozy. But that’s not the point. Plato jumped off a cliff with this book and tried to fly.

p.s. there’s a reason why we still read and talk about books like this today…

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