A man reading a book while dark shadows lurk behind him.

Can Fiction Help Us Understand Our Shadow Selves? Let’s Ask Carl Jung.

Carl Jung, the famed Swiss psychiatrist (1875–1961), believed we all walk around with a “shadow self” — a hidden part of our unconscious filled with repressed thoughts, desires, and experiences. According to Jung, our dreams are a powerful way to encounter this shadow. By exploring our darker sides, we don’t become worse—we become more whole,Continue reading Can Fiction Help Us Understand Our Shadow Selves? Let’s Ask Carl Jung.

James Baldwin writing at his desk.

I Can’t Get Over The Courage of Author James Baldwin

I’ve been reading a lot of James Baldwin lately (1924 – 1987). I’m struck by his courage to write about hard things. Here was a man who spoke about being Black in 1950s America. If that wasn’t enough, he was also homosexual. He wrote about these things without reservation. He spoke about being a minister’sContinue reading I Can’t Get Over The Courage of Author James Baldwin