
You’ve Heard of Stoicism, But Have You Achieved Ataraxia Yet?

Stoic philosophy has gained a lot of steam due to writers like Ryan Holiday (Love that guy). It’s always been a “popular” philosophy because it, along with other Hellenistic philosophies (Greek 323 BCE – 31 BCE) like Epicureanism and Skepticism, tries to answer a useful question: How do I live well? It’s a thing theContinue reading You’ve Heard of Stoicism, But Have You Achieved Ataraxia Yet?

Deep Reading

Shallow Reading vs Deep Reading

Let’s discuss the difference between shallow reading and deep reading. I picked up these definitions from Cal Newport’s book, Deep Work. Deep Work: Activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limits. These efforts create new value, improve your skills, and are hard to replicate. Shallow Work: NoncognitivelyContinue reading Shallow Reading vs Deep Reading