Lesson: In this session, titled ‘Sigmund Freud and Your Phone,’ we examine our conscious and subconscious minds during reading, inspired by Freud’s psychological theories. Reading enriches both these aspects of our minds. However, it’s common for our subconscious to send distractions our way, especially when we’re trying to focus. Most people find themselves distracted upContinue reading Day 6 – Sigmund Freud and Your Phone
Removing my phone to another room was very helpful to staying focused. I really didn’t think about it as I read.
I didn’t feel one urge to check my phone. I had no distractions while reading for 35 minutes. I will apply this exercise to when I’m tasking as well and put my phone out of sight completely. This way I won’t be checking it for messages so often like I do. My phone does distract me often throughout the day. I don’t seem to have a problem with it when I’m reading. I’m able to disconnect from it at least so far as I can tell.