A man sitting in his bedroom with a headache

Feel Well, Then Read Well

A few days ago, I spent the afternoon with my dentist getting a crown. I’ve since had headaches from the sensitivity of the tooth and haven’t wanted to read – at all. I’m feeling better now, but for a while, my life was sponsored by Tylenol and Ibuprofen.

It’s hard to do anything when I don’t feel healthy. All I wanted to do was close the door and make the world go away.

That’s not the best state to be in for reading slowly, taking notes, and applying ideas of any kind. It made me realize how important it is to take care of myself. Those little decisions about how I eat, when I go to bed, and the like really do matter; not because it’s important to look a specific way, but because when I’m physically out-of-sorts, my work falls apart.

It’s work that makes our lives meaningful. Your work might be your kids, writing poetry, or scaling mountains. Perhaps you’re busy in a 9-to-5 that you hate, but then you come home and do your real work —> the stuff that drives your passion.

All I know is this – if I don’t take care of myself, I can’t do what fulfills me.

And that’s not acceptable.

Until tomorrow, read slowly, take notes, and apply the ideas.


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